The Andromeda Project (continued):
The Andromeda Galaxy's apparent size is so large in the sky (about 5-6 moon widths across) that I am not able to fit much more than half of it in my telescopes imaging field.

Last year I shot the "left side" and this September, I have completed the "right side".
I have now processed the two images and joined them together in Photoshop CS2!

Last year I shot the "left side" and this September, I have completed the "right side".
I have now processed the two images and joined them together in Photoshop CS2!
The second shooting session was the result of a great weekend spent at the cottage just east of Algonquin Park! My brother and I escaped our normally busy lives to appreciate the best of what God has to offer in northern autumn hikes and undisturbed clear night skies! We had a blast and determined that this is now officially, an annual event! (Belly aches prevailed all weekend, caused by intense laughter and extreme over-eating!)
Note: I still owe this blog one more shot of the Andromeda Galaxy - I would like to shoot a wide field image to include neighboring constellation Cassiopeia (the "w" in the sky). I want to illustrate the position of this galaxy, so readers will look for it and find it. It's an easy object (under a dark sky) using binoculars or even the naked eye. I hope to complete this next fall.